I also wanted to do a comparison on two brushes that I had mentioned in a previous post. One is the MAC 239 and the other is a Loew Cornell 3/8. In the pictures below, you will see the MAC brush is black and the Loew Cornell brush is purple. These brushes are great for brow bone highlighting and applying color to the lid. The MAC 239 is around $25 and the Loew Cornell 3/8 is around $5. I bought the Loew Cornell at Michael's which is an awesome arts and crafts store and both brushes work great! I would recommend either one. However, if you are looking for a great quality eye shadow brush that is inexpensive, buy the Loew Cornell 3/8. The cool thing about Michael's is that the send out coupons in the Sunday paper here in Arizona so you can buy your brush at an even lower price. Pretty sweet, right?!?
Here is a picture from an "All Decades" party that my boyfriend and I went to a couple of weeks ago. We decided that we didn't want to match and dress in different decades. He went as a Thunder Bird, better known as a "T-Bird". Check out his wig LOL! It's hilarious we were all laughing all night. He kept having to fix it and brush it because it kept messing up. I went dress in 80s. Although you can't tell what eye shadow colors I was wearing due to my glasses, I had on eye makeup.
-Rice Paper as my highlight
-Swiss Chocolate in my crease
-Nylon on my lid
-Studio Fix Fluid in NC 30
-Azalea Blossom Blush Ombre
-Carmex to prep
-Brick lip pencil
-Cockney lipstick
I had to write my name in the sand lol. It was such a beautiful day!
Soaking in the Sun rays! :P
Quick snap of me in the car. The windows were down and my hair looks crazy lol!
How beautiful!
Betsy Johnson Girls at Fashion Valley! How fun do they look? As a Makeup Artist and Fashion major, I found their hair, makeup, and clothes so inspiring!
My super cute Madonna shirt. I love Madonna's music from the 80s! "Get Into The Groove" is probably my most favorite song.
MAC 130 brush and Two Virtues blush
MAC Viva Glam makeup bag. I think this is the coolest MAC makeup bag I've ever seen.
The other side of the bag. Pretty red lips = Oooo
I got this Coach wallet from one of the Coach outlets stores. The day I bought this, they were having a huge sale so I ended up paying only $28 for this. What a steal!
This bad boy only cost $30. Not bad for a Coach makeup bag. I had to buy it. It was calling me!
My cool Jelly fish I got from Sea World
My baby Shamu that my Brother-In-Law bought for me. Thanks, Bryan!
I bought these pretty crystals at Sea World. I haven't seen anything like them and at $5 a piece, I totally thought they were worth it.
MAC 239 and Loew Cornell 3/8
This pic is blurry but hopefully you can see the comparison :)
Til next time Dolls! I can't wait for Give Me Liberty of London Collection. The Beauty Powder Blushes look fabulous and I can't wait to try them out.
Looks like you had fun! I just bought Swiss Chocolate Eyeshadow after taking the M.A.C lesson - love the color. :)