I'm back with another post and things are slowly but surely getting back to normal. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. For a few months, I had been saving up for things I wanted from MAC Pro and To The Beach Collection. After this hual, I don't think I will be hauling for a while lol.
I also want to show an older picture of a client that I had worked on for a wedding. She wanted a very natural look with black eyeliner, falsies, natural lips and blush. I can't remember all the products I used on her but I did use Blacktrack fluidline by MAC, Rice Paper as a highlight, Azalea blush, and an NYX lipgloss. The camera barely picked up any blush but she looked gorgeous. I also helped her with her hair too. :)
Ok Dolls, last year I made two Youtube videos and then I stopped but now I'm back and I look forward to making more and I hope you all enjoy them! You can find me on Youtube at Youtube.com/alldolledupbynicki
Here is the list of what I bought from MAC Pro online:
Devil Blush
Rhubard Blush
Dirty Plum Blush
Fresh Green Mix Mineralize Eyeshadow
Genuine Orange Pigment
Genuine Orange Paintstick
Neon Orange Lipstick
Peachstock Lipstick
Faux Lipstick
Pink Poodle Lipglass
Lovechild Lipglass
Red Brick Eyeshadow
In this picture:
#134 brush
#150 brush
Fresh Green Mix Mineralize Eyeshadow
Red Brick Eyeshadow
Genuine Orange Paintstick
Genuine Orange Pigment
I heard great things about the #134 brush and can't wait to use it. I forget I had it but I have a short handle #150 brush that is all pink that I bought from a MAC class offered at Nordstrom back in 2004. It's still in perfect condition andI really do believe in investing in brushes. Red Brick eyeshadow looks like it could be Brown Scripts sister to me and I bought Genuine Orange Paintstick because it's great to use the tiniest amount on your ring finger and dab underneath your eyes for dark circles.
Here are the swatches:
In this picture:
Peachstock Lipstick
Neon Orange Lipstick
Faux Lipstick
Pink Poodle Lipglass
Love Child Lipglass
I was inpspired to get Neon Orange because of Lady Gaga. Her makeup is definitely cutting edge and I want to challenge myself with a lippie that I normally would not wear. I love her makeup! I bought Faux again because it's great to mix with other lippies or even on it's own. For me, it's what I call a "Mix Master" lol. I feel like I have a special bond with Pink Poodle Lipglass becuase I wore it all the time when I was a Senior in High School and I even wore it to my Senior Prom. Go Class of 2004! Buying Pink Poodle definitely brings back memories.
Here are the swatches:
I forgot to take a picture of the products but I did swatch them. In this picture:
Devil Blush
Rhubarb Blush
Dirty Plum Blush
Here's what I got from To The Beach:
Lazy Day Lipstick
Thrills Lipstick
Splashing Lipglass
Sweet and Punchy Eyeshadow
Firecrack Eyeshadow
Sand and Sun Eyeshadow
I'm in LOVE with Sweet and Punchy! It's so different and vibrant.
Here are the swatches:
In this picture:
Hipness Blush
Marine Life Highlight
Refined Golden Bronzing Powder
Here are the swatches:
A silly picture of yours truly :P
Til next time Dolls! xoxo
FTC Disclaimer: I purchased the products featured on this post on my own.